" You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. " Exodus 20:7 It's always odd to me that people quote the 10 Commandments when someone says "oh my god", but not when people use God's name for their own personal gain. Using God’s name for one’s own gain is a very old trick and comes in many forms. From pharisees calling Jesus a demon (Matthew 12:22), Constantine plastering the Cross on soldier's shields so God would help him win a battle (c. 312 C.E.), to Donald Trump bringing his Bible to political rallies (c. 2016 C.E.), people use religious rhetoric to get what they want all the time, and it's not hard to see why, it's very effective. Invoking the Almighty covers a multitude of sins...and sells a ton of merch... The God Card Playing the "God Card" can get people elected, killed, and even laid. It's the ace up your sleeve that you play...
A place to discuss what makes the Divine, Human and the Secular, Sacred.