This month marks the sad anniversary of the passing of Rachel Held Evans. She unexpectedly died on May 4th, 2019 due to health complications. She was an award winning columnist and author. She also had her own blog and regularly shared thought provoking articles. Often Rachel was noted for calling out tropes of evangelicalism and turning them on their head. Some loved her and some not so much. I certainly felt both challenged and encouraged by her. She was an inspiration for this blog. I first heard of Rachel during a really hard time in my life. It was something she said that gave me permission to accept and deal with a major part of who I am. It was a landmark moment in my life. Suffice it to say, when I first heard Rachel Held Evans, I was at a crossroads in my faith. At this point, I was dealing with sorting out how the Jesus I had been told about was nowhere to be found, and watching all the certainty I was supposed to have, unravel. Compounding these questions...
The Sacred Secularist
A place to discuss what makes the Divine, Human and the Secular, Sacred.